
This blog was originally called The Reawakening at 28 after a break up which shook me to my core. I moved out, lived alone and started again, with a few hiccups along the way. Eventually though, I worked it out and found out alot about myself in the process. That stuff became what I blog about, albeit very sporadically and without much finesse.

I’m currently living in West Yorkshire, having come full circle from west to north to west again and I’m still as unsure and sure about a heap of things in this life. I married the man I fell in love with and we are still bimbling away, with cats and our home and everything life throws at us.

So, here I am, with a man, in West Yorkshire, working out this life I was given and enjoying the adventures along the way. Feel free to come along for the ride – please bring cake.

New beginnings

New beginnings

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